Student Leadership
Senior Student Council 2021 2022
School Captains are responsible for:
- Primarily the driving force of School Council and chairing meetings;
- Overseeing and developing the roles of all members of the Student Leadership team;
- Presenting at events as required, acting as ambassadors within the school and the wider community;
- Consolidating feedback and communicating with the Senior Leadership Team;
- Internal communications – creating and updating a Student Leadership noticeboard regularly; creating bulletins or posters to update staff and students of Student Leadership events;
- Creating and overseeing the development of ‘Drop in Sessions’ for all students to have dialogue with Student Leaders;
- Lead on the development of a peer mentoring system for improving wellbeing and mental health of Tarleton Academy students.
Vice School Captains are responsible for:
- Developing relationships with Student Councils in Trust schools;
- Creating links with local feeder Primary Schools to develop relationships;
- Potentially attend external events at Primary Schools as a Tarleton Academy representative;
- Oversee the Senior Prefects and Eco Leaders – Drive changes forward in improving our environment (waste – use of plastic);
- Support School Captains in School Council Meetings.
House Captains are responsible for:
- Representing their House in assemblies through delivering notices and supporting the Head Progress Leaders;
- Helping to organise Student Voice (wider school) through visiting tutor groups / supporting with ‘Drop in Sessions’ and liaising with the School Captains;
- Leading and representing their House at each School Council meeting;
- Helping to promote and run the charitable endeavours for their House;
- Helping to promote Inter House competitions – encouraging tutor involvement in events such as Sports Day;
- Supporting School Captains in implementing improvements suggested – such as the development of mental health awareness / wellbeing projects in school.
Senior Prefects are responsible for:
- Assisting in the training of Year 10 Prefects;
- Being visible role models around school in terms of supporting staff on duty;
- Overseeing the Year 10 Prefect team – ensuring that duties are covered and the prefect rota is followed;
- Reporting if Prefects are not in position;
- Attending and leading on Prefect meetings held each half term.