Reporting to Parents

Over the course of the year you will receive 3 reports on your child’s progress. There will also be either a tutor consultation evening and a subject consultation evening or two subject consultation evenings depending on which year group your son / daughter is in.

Reports will either be a data report or a data report with additional tutor comments.

Target Setting at KS3

At Key Stage 3 we do not set student targets. 

At Tarleton Academy, we pride ourselves on 'Teaching to the Top' and scaffolding our teaching and learning resources to make sure every student can access the lesson content.

Students are predominantly taught in mixed ability groups and assessed against the curriculum. 

For more information on how we report progress to parents, see the 'Reporting to Parents' tab in the 'Parents' section of the website.


Target Setting at KS4

We are introducing a new way of setting targets for our KS4 students this year.

Students in Y10 will be presented with individually tailored information detailing the percentage likelihood of a student with their KS2 or CAT4 scores achieving each possible GCSE grade. This information has been gained using the Fischer Family Trust estimates (FFT).

Students will discuss with a member of staff their individual skills and talents and choose an ambitious target grade for each of the subjects they have chosen to study. After the personalised consultation process, students will take their target sheet home to their parents for them to discuss, review and sign.

The ambitious targets agreed by the student, parent and school will be the ones displayed on future student reports and these will be reviewed throughout KS4.

This will allow students and parents to compare student progress to their self-selected, ambitious targets.

At Tarleton Academy, we actively promote and drive student ambition. It is for this reason, students will not be allowed to select a target which, if met, would mean they achieved below average progress for someone of their prior attainment.

For more information on how we report progress to parents, see the 'Reporting to Parents' tab in the 'Parents' section of the website.


*GCSE targets for our current Key Stage 4 students are based on Fischer Family Trust estimates (FFT). 


What is FFT?

FFT is non-profit organisation commissioned by the Department for Education that estimates potential individual performance based on how students of similar ability on entry (at the end of Key Stage 2) perform nationally. FFT provide estimates with varying degrees of challenge and we use FFT 20 as the basis of our Key Stage 4 targets which is based on the progress seen in the top 20% of schools.


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Target Setting Information