Latest News
Gold Award Ice Skating December 2018
The ‘Gold Award’ winning students and staff had a fabulous time ice skating after school yesterday.
Inter House Challenges Update
Tutor Groups have completed the December and Christmas Inter-house Challenges and the results are in.
Gold, Silver & Bronze Award Winners - December 2018
Many congratulations to the Gold, Silver and Bronze Award winning students. Enjoy celebrating your success.
Rotary Chef Competition
Mrs Waller would like to congratulate all students who took part in last week’s Rotary Chef competition.
Runshaw College Horizon Workshops
Last week Tarleton Academy Year 9 and Year 10 students had the great opportunity to take part in two Runshaw College Horizon Workshops - New Approaches to Drawing Workshop and the English Challenge.
Tarleton Academy Spelling Bee
Rufford Primary School were 'buzzing' at the Tarleton Academy Spelling Bee on Tuesday, 27th November.
Inter-house Challenges
Each month every tutor group competes in an Inter-house Challenge.
Stitch A Tree - ‘Thread Bearing Witness’ Art Project
Last year Year 9 Able, Gifted and Talented Art students took part the collaborative project ‘Thread Bearing Witness’ facilitated by textile artist Alice Kettle.
New GCSEs… but Tarleton Academy Deliver the Same Success Story!
Students at Tarleton Academy delivered another success story as they took the new GCSE examinations in their stride and achieved outstanding results across the board with 81% of all GCSEs at the new standard pass (grade 4) or above.
Festival of Peace
Tarleton Academy students were honoured and proud to take part in the ‘Festival of Peace’.
Senior Student Council 2018 - 2019
Senior Student Council announced for Academic Year 2018 -2019