Latest News
Runshaw Horizons Geology Workshop Wednesday, 14th March
Today five Year 10 students are attending a Geology workshop at Runshaw College.
Runshaw English Challenge Monday, 12th March 2018
On Monday evening four Year 10 students took part in The English Challenge at Runshaw College competing against South Ribble schools.
Tomorrow’s Engineers EEP Robotics Challenge
This week several Key Stage 3 students, accompanied by Mr McLardy & Mrs Smallwood, had the fantastic opportunity to take part in the “Tomorrow’s Engineers EEP Robotics Challenge” – Regional Final, Blackburn.
Thursday, 8th March 2018 - School Is Now Closed
Due to the worsening weather conditions we have had to take a very late decision to close the school.
Year 7 and Year 11 Parents Evenings Postponed
Due to the disruption caused by extreme bad weather, Year 11 Parents' Evening will now be on Thursday, 15th March and Year 7 Parents' Evening will be on Thursday, 19th April.
Year 11 Examinations
Practice Examinations March 2018 Timetable and GCSE Summer 2018 Timetable
Schools Admission Appeals for Year 7 Entry September 2018
Parents have a right of appeal to an independent appeal panel in line with the School Admissions Appeals Code (February 2012) as it applies to academies.
Year 11 Parents Evening Postponed
The Parents’ Evening will now take place on Thursday, 8th March 4.00 – 7.00pm.
Tuesday, 27th February 2018 - School Is Open As Normal This Morning
School Is open as normal this morning. Please take care coming in.
North West Regional Debating Final, Manchester Grammar School
On Saturday 24th February our Tarleton team took part in the North West Regional Debating Final at Manchester Grammar School.
U14s Boys Basketball are Lancashire Champions!
Sensational! In their first season the U14 Boys are Lancashire Basketball Champions.
Key Stage 4 Options Evening 2018
Thank you to everyone who attended our Key Stage 4 Options Evening 2018 last night.