Faculty Overview


The Science and PE departments work in partnership to provide a broad, balanced and inclusive curriculum. Our aim is to promote scientific literacy, foster good team working skills and encourage healthy lifestyles amongst all our students. We hope to demonstrate to students the progress that can be made in society when individuals in either discipline work together, building on the knowledge and experience of the past in pursuit of a common goal.

In addition, we aim to nurture the natural talent and enthusiasm of our students. We hope to maximise their potential and produce some of the best young athletes, coaches and scientists around.


Science Staff


Mr Houghton

Trust Director of Science and Deputy Headteacher

Mr McVey

Assistant Director of Science

Miss Bridges

Lead Practitioner of Science

Mrs Martin

Teacher of Science

Mrs Guignard

Teacher of Science

Mrs Corner

Teacher of Science

Ms Gore-Smith

Teacher of Science


Physical Education Staff


Mr Lucas

Trust Director of Physical Education

Miss Coats

Teacher of Physical Education

Miss Bodell

Lead Teacher of Food, Preparation & Nutrition & Teacher of PE

Mr Pallet

Teacher of Physical Education


Science Department Overview


The Science department consists of 7 teaching areas including a computer suite and a collaborative learning space, and 5 newly-refurbished laboratories. All rooms are equipped with interactive projectors and there is a set of tablet computers and laptops belonging to the department. There is a dedicated full-time technician as well as the school’s ICT support to ensure that teachers can deliver lessons that involve practical investigations and take advantage of the new technology on offer to enhance our students’ learning.


It is a genuine passion for science and a love of learning that motivates the teachers in the department to continually research and develop new teaching and learning strategies in order to maximise the progress made by our students.


Science Curriculum


Due to the hierarchical nature of scientific knowledge the Science Curriculum is sequenced across 5 years and this is key to our students acquiring, retaining and linking knowledge over time. 


Key Stage 3


How is the course structured?

In Year 7 and Year 8 our students are taught in mixed attainment groups. The Schemes of Learning have been developed by the Science department, incorporating topics and materials inline with the KS3 National Curriculum as well as what we consider to be prerequisite knowledge and skills required to progress. In Year 9 our students progress to study Science in the separate disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics and are taught by specialist teachers. 


Key Stage 4


GCSE: Science (Combined or Separate). Exam Board: AQA Trilogy and AQA Separate Science

How is the course structured?

Our students continue to study science within the discrete disciplines delivered by specialist teachers. This allows us the flexibility to personalise the learning of individual students in order that they make the best academic progress and achieve the best possible outcomes. At the end of Year 10, students will take internal exams for the units they have studied. Attainment in these exams, along with ongoing assessment through the academic year, will dictate which of the following courses they will take:


GCSEs in Separate Sciences


The students that have adapted well to GCSE science and attained highly in Year 10 will go on to study the extra material required for the award of three separate Science GCSEs in Biology, Chemistry and Physics.


GCSEs in Combined Science


Our Year 11 curriculum continually evolves and develops responding to the needs of our students. Students will develop and expand their knowledge of key scientific concepts. In order that they are fully prepared for their six external exams at the end of Year 11. This route results in the award of a single qualification in Combined Science which is worth two GCSEs.


What can I do with a Science GCSE?


Successful completion of the Science GCSE courses will enable students to pursue a wide range of further study or employment. If a student achieves grades 9-5, they may choose the traditional A levels in Science or Science related post-16 courses. Alternatively students may progress to employment and training in the scientific, technical, medical or engineering industries.




Physical Education Department Overview




The key aim of the Physical Education department at Tarleton Academy is to ensure that all students develop key skills, knowledge and confidence in order to develop a love of physical activity that lasts beyond their school years.  We deliver this through the implementation of a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum.  We strongly believe in developing the ‘whole’ child and in order to deliver this, our curriculum is underpinned by developing the ‘Healthy Body’, ‘Healthy Mind’ and ‘Healthy Relationships’.  Our curriculum is structured to allow students to progress through each key stage building on prior knowledge of different motor competencies through core and advanced skills, compositional ideas, tactics and rules to create competent performances.  This leads on to making healthy life choices by empowering students to develop life skills which they can then use to make informed and healthy choices in regard to their active lifestyles. 

Our ambitious curriculum is progressive and inclusive for all pupils and is underpinned by our belief that, as physical educators, we are committed to developing the ‘whole’ child.  Our students are given the opportunity to develop: leadership skills, officiating skills, resilience, respect, communication and empathy.  We develop these through high quality teaching and learning, a progressive curriculum, mixed attainment and mixed gender lessons and by the wider opportunities we give to students through international trips, extra-curricular opportunities, our leadership academy and through our KS4 option choices. 




We offer a vast range of extra-curricular sports clubs which are inclusive and are open to all students, both team and non-team players. Extra-Curricular clubs are advertised through daily notices, at the sports hall, in tutor rooms and on the intranet. Clubs will only be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances and students will be informed no later than tutor time in order to make the necessary arrangements to leave school at 15:15. 

Sports Fixtures will take place on a regular basis and advertised through daily notices and at the sports hall. Students selected for squads should confirm their attendance for the fixture in advance and if unable to play inform the member of staff that leads their team to enable another student to have the opportunity to represent the school. For away fixtures students leave school at 15:30 and return at approximately 17:45 – 18:15 dependent upon location and traffic. Students can use their mobile phones to inform parents of estimated time of arrival back at school during the return journey. Students should make the necessary arrangements to be collected promptly from school and inform parents of the fixture in advance. Letters will not be sent out for fixtures due to the sheer volume of fixtures that occur. 




The Physical Education GCSE course is a popular option. The OCR Physical Education Syllabus (9-1 2016 Specification) is structured to ensure the gap between GCSE and A-Level is reduced. Promoting an in depth knowledge of how lifestyle choices, human anatomy and physiology, biomechanics, sports psychology affect sports performance and active and healthy lifestyles, diet and nutrition. As an overview the course is now split into; 

  • 2 theoretical examinations - (60% combined) 

  • Coursework - (10%) 

  • Practical Performance (30%) 




The Cambridge National offers an alternative pathway to GCSE PE. It allows students to study PE in a different context which explores the importance of health, sport and physical education in a number of different roles and scenarios.  The qualification equips you with sound specialist knowledge through practical application.  

Students will study two mandatory units and one optional unit from a choice of two.  

The two mandatory units are: 

 • R184: Contemporary issues in sport This is assessed by an exam  

• R185: Performance and leadership in sports activities This is assessed by a set assignment  

The two optional units are: 

• R186: Sports and the media This is assessed by a set assignment  

• R187: Increasing awareness of Outdoor and Adventurous Activities This is assessed by a set assignment  


Physical Education Curriculum